“I am stuck in a rut.” Have you ever said that to yourself as you try and try to achieve something? In the old days, people would travel by coaches and get stuck in deep muddy ruts. It was sometime extremely difficult to get out of the rut and continue the journey.
When your thinking is as clear as mud, it is very difficult to set and achieve a goal, let alone a list of highly important ones. Goals not only help us achieve things in life, they also give us purpose in life. It has been said, that the human race has advanced to the state it is, because from early times, we developed a goal seeking mindset. If this was not true, the world would have never been traveled and populated, many thousands of years ago. Our ancestors would have been content to sit around the fire and hope that food wandered by.
The more we achieve, the more we want to achieve. Humans are not satisfied to just sit back and say, “well we don’t need to do anything else, our work here is done.”
When you come to the realization, that all your attempts to set and reach goals has been fruitless, it is time to find a new strategy. Consider using a health coach to help you in all the areas you need.
A health coach will help you look back on your life and discover what the root issues are. They may find that you have limited beliefs about your abilities. You may have been told all your life, that you won’t amount to much, so don’t bother to try hard. Some children grow up with parents that do a lot of damage to their mental well being. Those parents typically are passing on the way that they were brought up. When the cycle is interrupted, then great things can be achieved.
Think about it for a moment. Do you have children or plan to have children? How did your limiting beliefs develop? Was it from your parents or did happen when you were in school? A health coach can help you with this and change those limited beliefs to ones of infinite possibility. This is a gift that you can pass onto your children.
As your health coach helps you change your beliefs, they may bring visualization techniques into play. There are different ways to visualize and a good health coach will have a great toolbox of ways you can actually see and accomplish your goals.
Once your health coach has the foundation of what you need to do in order to be successful and reach your goals, their next step will be helping you put together a plan. Health coaches help you decide what goals are right for you, how to set a goal and reward yourself for making that goal. As you meet each time, the health coach will look at your progress and help you decide what went great and what things you need to alter slightly to make everything work.
Health coaches are not like your gym coach. They don’t punish or threaten you with more work. Their job in order for them to be successful is to gently guide you, giving feedback and support.
As you search for a health coach, pick perhaps three that look promising and setup a free consultation. Meet with each one and get a feel for how they work. Find out who you have the best energy with and don’t be afraid to ask for testimonials from people who wanted and got the same results that you deserve.
You can make and achieve the goals you desire. Having a health coach for support is just a different strategy that works.
We at Zenzile Life aim to help you grow into the best person you can possibly be. Please contact us at info@zenzilelife.com for further information, or visit our website at www.zenzilelife.com to sign up for our weekly newsletters, freebies and special offers. We look forward to hearing from you!
This post is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered therapy.This blog is only for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered therapy or any form of treatment. We are not able to respond to specific questions or comments about personal situations, appropriate diagnosis or treatment, or otherwise provide any clinical opinions. If you think you need immediate assistance, call your local doctor/psychologist or psychiatrist or the SADAG Mental Health Line on 011 234 4837. If necessary, please phone the Suicide Crisis Line on 0800 567 567 or sms 31393.