Gratitudejournals are often confused with happiness journals or some sort of spiritual
journal. In fact, many secular people stay away from gratitude journals because
they feel like it may be pushing a religious agenda. The truth is, the idea of
a gratitude journal has nothing to do with spirituality or religion. It has to
do with well-being and changing your life for the better. If you have considered
a gratitude journal, but may find you were wrong about what they are, then
consider why you should start one today.
Benefits of Mental Health
Oneof the leading reasons you need to start a gratitude journal is to work through
mental health issues you may have naturally. You can start off by listing one
thing a day you are thankful for. You will notice that this helps you move out
of depression. For example, if you have depression and feel that there is
nothing good left in your life, you can use the gratitude journal to show you
that you do have things that are good. This can reduce your depression and give
you at least one good thing to focus on.
Benefits of Overall Health
Whenyou first start a gratitude journal, you may not see how it could ever improve
your overall health. Consider a specific example though and how it would apply
to your life. You have depression, you aren't getting out much, you find
yourself alone most of the time, and you are gaining weight. As you start to
list the things you are thankful for you, you will start seeing positive things
happen. You are not longer focusing on the triggers of your depression. You are
starting to look for the things that are good in your day. This will lead you
out of the house to find more goodness and gratitude in others. Eventually you
will see that you are more active and happier which leads to reduced stress,
reduced blood pressure, and a more positive outlook.
Increased Positivity
Aspreviously mentioned, you will see an increase in positivity. You may wonder
why that is. For the most part it is due to looking for more and more gratitude
in life. You will find that posting your gratitude will become like a
challenge. You post three things one day, you may want to post five things the
next. This will lead to focusing on positive outlooks overall.
Thekey point to remember with a gratitude journal, is that you are writing down
the things you are thankful for in your day. You are trying to find some good
even in a very bad day or series of days. This positive outlook can help you
reduce stress, anxiety, and even depression.
This post is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered therapy. This blog is only for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered therapy or any form of treatment. We are not able to respond to specific questions or comments about personal situations, appropriate diagnosis or treatment, or otherwise provide any clinical opinions. If you think you need immediate assistance, call your local doctor/psychologist or psychiatrist or the SADAG Mental Health Line on 011 234 4837. If necessary, please phone the Suicide Crisis Line on 0800 567 567 or sms 31393.