We often think of obstacles as situations or items that make us fail. It brings people down where they feel they have no way out of those situations. However, there are plenty of instances where success can get in peoples’ way as well. In fact, it can be more debilitating for some.
When people succeed in whatever they are trying to accomplish, they have proved that they can do it. Sometimes, once that happens, they revert to the situation before success. Since they have shown themselves what is possible, why bother proceeding and going further with that success?
This commonlyhappens in the arts as well as in sports. For example, suppose a musician learns a difficult piece of music. Some will not proceed to learn other pieces of the same difficulty because they have shown themselves and others that they can play the one they learned.
Another reason why success can be an obstacle is thatthe excuses are no longer valid. It’s easier to useexcuses. When you get to the point where you are almost succeeding, you may find ways to sabotage that success so that you can go back to using excuses. You’ll find plenty of people who will support your use of excuses, but it won’t get you where you truly want to be.
Some people don’t achieve their goals because they believe others don’t want them to succeed. It’s a strange phenomenon and usually is a result of a miscommunication. For instance, you may be speaking to your parents about your accomplishments and they question you in a way that on the surface seems like they are disapproving of what you are doing. In fact, they were proudand excited for you. This couldcause you to give up on the venture because of you misreading their intentions.
If you find yourself in a position of fearing success, think about what you will gain when you push through to that stage. You will satisfy your goals and your chances of living a better life increase. Further, what you accomplish may help others. It could be a product or it could simply be a technique that frees up those people from a problem they may be facing. They will be grateful to you and you may even turn what you are doing into a business and earn money.
If you truly want something and you are close to reaching it, you should try your hardest to get past that point where you fallback. You will stand out among your peers and you will increase your confidence. Once you canget past this, you have the tools to accomplish anything you want. You can use that point where you felt like giving up as motivation for future endeavors.
This post is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered therapy.This blog is only for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered therapy or any form of treatment. We are not able to respond to specific questions or comments about personal situations, appropriate diagnosis or treatment, or otherwise provide any clinical opinions. If you think you need immediate assistance, call your local doctor/psychologist or psychiatrist or the SADAG Mental Health Line on 011 234 4837. If necessary, please phone the Suicide Crisis Line on 0800 567 567 or sms 31393.