Do you have difficulty controlling your temper? Does your anger come out in unhealthy ways that could hurt others as well as yourself? Anger is a powerful emotion that can lead to serious problems in your relationships and career if left unbridled. Learn more about your ability to manage it by taking this anger test.
Directions: Read each question and keep track of the number of times you respond "yes"
Do you become angry too quickly?
Do you get angry too often?
Do you often feel angry without having a particular reason?
Do you notice that people are often cautious and guarded when they interact with you?
People have actually told you that you have trouble managing your anger well
Are you someone who "never gets angry?"
Are you critical of other people in your mind and thoughts?
Do you criticize and/or use insults when you speak to others?
Do you sometimes yell or raise your voice to get your point across?
Would others describe you as "prickly" or "too sensitive"?
Have you ever broken an object (glass, chair, vase, etc.) during an argument?
Do you replay negative experiences over and over in your mind?
Have you ever surprised yourself by how angry you got and how you acted?
Have you ever lost a job or been disciplined at work because of anger?
Do you become angry and take out your frustrations while driving? Road rage
Does your spouse and/or friends avoid conflict with you?
Have you ever lost a relationship (partner or friend) because of your anger?
Do you sometimes forget what you said or did while you're angry?
Do you get angrier than most other people would in the same situation?
Do you get extremely angry about past events and incidents or people from far in your past?
Do you take a long time to “cool off”?
Do you find yourself frequently in arguments?
Have you ever punched or kicked a wall in anger?
Have you ever later regretted your actions after becoming angry?
Do you hold grudges or struggle to let go of things?
Are you very sarcastic?
Do you blame other people or circumstances for your anger and actions? Is it always someone else’s fault?
Do you tell jokes that make others look bad but rarely confront them directly?
Do you continually correct others?
Do you engage in sexual behavior that upsets your partner?
Do you display extreme helpfulness of feign kindness?
Do you become self-destructive – hurting self or spending money you don’t have?
Do you frequently lose patience with people or situations?
Have you ever been physically aggressive or violent with another person?
Do you think about getting revenge on others?
Has anyone ever said that she/he is afraid of you?
Have you ever been "blind" with rage, or could not remember what you did when angry?
If you didn't respond "Yes" to any of the questions: Low probability that you have problem anger.
If you responded "Yes" to 1 or 2 questions: If these are things that have happened only once in your life, you may not have a problem with anger. If these things have happened on more than one occasion, there is cause for concern.
If you responded "Yes" to more than 2 questions: A very strong indicator that you struggle with problem anger.
Please be aware that each of the statements is a sign of toxic anger, and the more frequently they occur over the course of your lifetime, the more likely it is that you are struggling with problem anger.
"The bottom line here is that anger causes pain," and we are the only ones who can ease its effect by identifying it, analyzing it and dealing with it. Please make an appointment with your local doctor, psychologist or health service professional to help you can control of your life again.
This post is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered therapy. This blog is only for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered therapy or any form of treatment. We are not able to respond to specific questions or comments about personal situations, appropriate diagnosis or treatment, or otherwise provide any clinical opinions. If you think you need immediate assistance, call your local doctor/psychologist or psychiatrist or the SADAG Mental Health Line on 011 234 4837. If necessary, please phone the Suicide Crisis Line on 0800 567 567 or sms 31393.