Most chronic worriers become mired in their own thoughts and emotions of waiting for bad things to happen. They become paralyzed with fear over possibilities of disaster and become non-productive and disillusioned.
Everyone worries at some point in time, but many successful people have come through worrisome adversities and come through ahead of the game. Studies indicate that these people have certain techniques they use to squelch the worry by turning it into something positive and productive. Here are a few of the habits that non-worriers incorporate in their lives to lessen the impact of worry:
- Maintain perspective – Non-worriers are able to detach themselves from a worrisome situation so they can increase perspective on the matter. They think about what can happen and then evaluate it according to how likely it is to happen.
- Raise questions in their minds – When worry or negative thoughts begin to fill a non-worrier’s mind, he or she is able to ask pertinent questions such as, “Do I have control over the problem” and “Is it an imminent threat?” The answers to these questions and others can help to face the situation or put it out of their minds.
- They’re confident they can handle the problem – Non-worriers seem to have inherently more confidence than worriers that they’re able to face situations and cope with them. Worriers tend to be fearful that they won’t be able to handle a catastrophe and fear breaking down
- Non-worriers focus on the present moment –The ability to stay in the present moment and not get carried away by the possibility of future happenings is key to spurning worry. Worriers tend to project themselves into a future where turmoil is the only outcome.
- They take more chances – Worriers have a difficult time making decisions when their brains are filled with the possibilities of catastrophic outcomes. Non-worriers are more able to make an instant decision about a problem and then move on to something else.
Worry is almost always non-productive. People perceive worry as some issue they must solve right now and that letting it go until later may result in the worst-case scenario.
Non-worriers seem to be more able to practice mindfulness and work through a stressful event or thought without becoming paralyzed by the negative thought. Delaying the worry helps to figure out a solution to the problem and to have a better outcome.
There are certain self-help techniques which may help chronic worriers deal better with negative thoughts and situations. Therapy, such as CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) may be needed to help worriers focus on the present moment and make the right decisions.
This post is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered therapy. This blog is only for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered therapy or any form of treatment. We are not able to respond to specific questions or comments about personal situations, appropriate diagnosis or treatment, or otherwise provide any clinical opinions. If you think you need immediate assistance, call your local doctor/psychologist or psychiatrist or the SADAG Mental Health Line on 011 234 4837. If necessary, please phone the Suicide Crisis Line on 0800 567 567 or sms 31393.