Today we are halfway with our series of 10 steps upgrade your brain.
5. Water therapy

We have all learned that just as the earth surface is made up of about 70% water, so is the human body composed of approximately 60-70% water and your brain of about 80% of water. Every cell in your body needs water to live. And water is needed for our cells to communicate with each other.
If you do not drink enough water, your brain gets sluggish and our working memory is impaired. It also causes us to be grumpy and negative. Dehydration also causes impaired motor function and makes our short term memory worse.
During the night we all dehydrate –and guess what we do first thing in the morning? We drink a cup of coffee before we even open our eyes. And that cup of coffee makes us dehydrate even further! If you brain were a plant all wilted, just waiting to be watered, and instead you are getting poison thrown over you, how would you feel? Just remember your brain and kidneys also needs water first thing in the morning and not poison.
So start your day with a glass of water. Put it on your bedside table at night before you go to bed and it will be ready to rehydrate your brain when you wake up.
That glass of water will fight infection and give you a glowing skin. It will help with weight loss to get your body ready for the beach. 500 ml of cold water will boost your metabolism by 24% in the morning.
One of the main reasons for headaches is dehydration. Before you grab that headache tablet or two or three, drink some water. And coke is not water. For that matter coke and coffee have lots of caffeine in it that will dehydrate you even further. And please parents, babies and children need to drink water, not tea or coffee and even worse with sugar, or carbonated drinks or oros or whatever. There is no such thing as my child does not want to drink water. They will drink it when they are thirsty. We will die within three days if we do not drink any fluids, so to survive they will drink water if you do not offer them fluids in the form of poison.
The second thing that we can do with water therapy is to take a cold shower. A ha, now most of you liked me up to now – but a cold shower in the morning! I believe in water therapy and cold water therapy. Just imagine sitting next to a body of water and how relaxed it made you feel. When stressed with headaches bothering you, a nice shower or bath will do the same. And if you want to feel invigorated, make that a cold shower. We all know that after big matches our rugby players and other sports stars have ice baths that helps for sore bruised bodies to heal faster. Cold water decrease inflammation in our muscles and reset our nervous systems. It helps your brain to think more clearly, and switch on the beta waves in our brains and then we are more creative.
So listen to your body when it tells you that it is thirsty. That background headache and tiredness is your body’s way to shout that I need some H2O.
This post is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered therapy.This blog is only for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered therapy or any form of treatment. We are not able to respond to specific questions or comments about personal situations, appropriate diagnosis or treatment, or otherwise provide any clinical opinions. If you think you need immediate assistance, call your local doctor/psychologist or psychiatrist or the SADAG Mental Health Line on 011 234 4837. If necessary, please phone the Suicide Crisis Line on 0800 567 567 or sms 31393.